Sunday, July 8, 2012

Advocate For Kids

I have been reading Amy's blog for a few years now. I can't remember how I found it, but I am so thankful I did. Amy and her husband have been struggling with infertility for quite some time now and started their adoption journey. They went through many ups and downs in their adoption process and recently adopted a sweet little baby girl. I am so thrilled for Amy and DW to finally be parents. Even though I don't actually know them, I know they are and will be amazing parents.

Adoption means so much to be because my parents adopted my sister. Even though we argue {a lot} I would be lost without her. I'm so thankful to have her and have a sibling to grow up with even though we are 10 years apart. She makes me smile and laugh (usually at her) every day!

If you know anything about adoption, you know it is expensive. The price is what keeps a lot of families away. However there is an "adoption assistance" tax credit that can financially help families wanting to adopt. The bad new is that in 2012 it could be gone forever. To find out more about this tax credit, visit Amy's blog here.

In order to save this tax credit it will require all of us to write to your senators (click to find yours) explaining to them that we need to keep this and that it is so important to so many families out there who want to have children. The following paragraph is copied from Amy's blog. To see specifics, please go to her site.

Dear Representative INSERT NAME:

I am writing to ask you to support the adoption tax credit, which is set to expire on December 31, 2012. The adoption tax credit is especially important to me becauseINSERT REASON (like: you're planning to adopt, you know someone who has adopted, or you think adoption is a worthy cause).

The adoption tax credit is essential to ensuring that as many children as possible are able to find families and that the cost of adoption is not prohibitive to children being raised in loving, caring environments.  I am asking you to take action on behalf of those who have made both a personal and financial sacrifice to support children in our country and in other countries who are in need.

Please use your vote to make sure the adoption tax credit would be permanent, refundable, inclusive of all types of adoption, and remain a “flat” tax for children with special needs.

On behalf of the countless children waiting to be adopted, and the many thousands of families that stand to suffer financially with the loss of the adoption tax credit, thank you for your attention to this important issue.


I hope you take just a few minutes to write to your senator about this amazing opportunity that we might be loosing in just a few short months. Don't forget to pass the message on!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this post. Adoption and infertility are close to my heart as well. Going over to Amy's blog now!
