Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Groundhog Day

Today, well this year, I'm calling Groundhog Day.

Source: imdb.com via Nadia on Pinterest

Last year I taught 4th grade and then moved up to 5th grade this year. This switch has given me year two with the same kiddos. Therefore groundhog day. Yes, I have a different homeroom class but I know every kid (except for the few new ones) because we departmentalize in 4th and 5th grade. I'm so excited to see the kids again and hope that my homeroom, especially those few who had me as a homeroom teacher last year, are excited to have me again!

As always I have first day of school jitters! This year I'm not worried about the kids but more of the new curriculum. I also have to make sure I have everything in order, outfit ironed and ready to wear, lunch packed, and breakfast easily accessible to grab and go!

Good luck to all the teachers who are starting school this in the upcoming weeks! Classroom pictures will be posted to my teacher blog very soon. Promise!!


  1. Happy 1st day of school! I hope that everything goes wonderfully. I can't wait to see pictures of your classroom and hear about how it went with the kids.

  2. Happy First Day of School! Good luck!!

  3. Happy First Day of School! You'll do great! It will be summer vacation again before you know it! :)

  4. Hope your week is going great!
    Our first week has been BUSY!!

  5. Good luck love!
    Have a great first day of school.
