Hadley is one lucky girl. She was welcomed into this world by four wonderful grandparents, two great-grandmas, on my side, and four great-grandparents, on J's side.We are so thankful she is able to meet them, spend time with them, and they can watch her grow. J and I both love learning about our family history and having four generations together is pretty awesome!
Over the weekend, J's grandparents came to visit from out of state. We have Skyped with them a few times since H was born but they had yet to meet her! We got up early, dressed up H in one of her winter dresses (it was 34* outside) and were on our way to meet them! Lately H has been really shy and timid around people she doesn't know. As soon as she saw them she was all smiles. J thinks it's because we've been talking so much about them and showed her pictures {let's pretend that's it}. Either way, she warmed up to them very quickly and we were able to capture a few pictures.
We definitely plan on taking more pictures when we see them for Thanksgiving. But we are thrilled to have these first meeting pictures to always remember! This spring we hope to make it to NC to see her other set of great-grandparents!
2 years ago
aww so cute and precious moment :)